Resolving Some Challenges Of Remote Working

Resolving Some Challenges Of Remote Working

Picture the scene, five people on a video call who’ve come together to discuss their experience of remote working. You’ve joined the call. After introducing one another, you’re all asked this question, ‘What’s the greatest challenge of remote working?’ What would you say?

Let me introduce the five people joining you on the call.

·      One is an extraordinarily successful technology entrepreneur, who made their fortune in the early days of the internet.  Now they run a big ticket, web development business.  All their staff are now working remotely.

·      The second is a business bank manager who’s recently returned to work from maternity/paternity.  They have a toddler and a baby at home.  The child’s grandparent is on hand for childcare support. The house is small, the only space to work from is a bench in the small dining kitchen.

·      The third is a call centre worker who lives with their parents and works from a small bedroom shared with a partner.  Their employer tracks all time logged on and monitors all calls.

·      The fourth is a senior consultant, who’s used to flying the world being away from home for up to 200 days a year.  They manage their own time but has to spend up to five hours a day on video calls from their home office.

·      The fifth is an insurance broker.  Their partner is a key worker.  Between them they have three teenagers from two former relationships, one is still at school, one at university in another city and the other has an apprenticeship lined up but is yet to start work.

  The entrepreneur explains they see many advantages in remote working but feels they don’t know what their people are doing, except when they are logged to their laptops or are writing code.  The bank manager is conflicted.  They are struggling to adjust to working from home, with all the challenges of early parenthood and a cramped home.  The call centre worker feels micro-managed by an over-anxious supervisor who sets ever increasing targets and pressures for results.   The senior executive describes themselves as a ‘caged bird,’ trapped in their home office and anxious, their ‘billed time’ flatlined with the first lockdown and hasn’t recovered.  They worry what the future holds but keeps up a brave face.  The fifth is caught between managing work, personal relationship and young adults in the same household.

 And so, you bring your own work and life circumstances to the discussion with your five colleagues.  Only you know, your own challenges.  As you consider them and what you might share on the call wouldn’t you like – and want to recommend – a solution that is designed specifically to connect people on demand and provides a mechanism to support ongoing people development, connects to performance improvement and is available on any web-enabled device.

 We’ve created the SPICE Tools specifically for those people and businesses who face the challenge of connecting and developing their people at this time.  We believe the SPICE Tools specifically address each of the challenges expressed by participants on the video call.  We believe the SPICE Tools will address challenges you might face too.

 You can find out more by simply clicking this link and accessing the SPICE Tools FREE today: 

Alternatively contact me here;

Tel: 0113 733 2589

Email: [email protected]

Written by Michael Croft

February 9, 2021
